First ever Personal Investment Seminar by fellow bloggers
Breaking news!
I am so excited to be involved in the first ever Personal Financial Investment Seminar organised by local financial blogging community!
I always felt that local financial bloggers are not given enough credit for the amount of knowledge and information that they contributed to the wider community to improve the financial literacy in Singapore. Majority of them hold a full time day job and blogs during the night or weekends. Their sharing are all very selfless and sincere. You can say that it is a “thankless” job because many of them do not get paid. So you might ask why they do it in the first place? Well, majority of them do it because of passion. This is their little way to contribute back to the community they know best.
How I know that is true? Because I am one of them.
So that is why I really feel this event will help bring a lot more awareness to those bloggers and allow more average investors to benefit from their selfless sharing.
Why should you attend?
You will be getting good investment knowledge from 5 local financial bloggers in one sitting. Here is a quick run down on who is talking about what:
- Jared Seah
- He will be talking about why one need to invest and more importantly how choose the correct investment for yourself.
- Calvin Yeo
- As a certified CFA, he will be running through the finer points of creating your very own financial plan the correct way.
- Lionel Yeo
- Are your investment yield better than 8% a year? If not, you should listen to this guy.
- Alvin Chow
- He will be revealing one of the most interesting method of picking under valued stocks. Who don’t want to learn that?
- Dr Tee
- By this time in the event, you would know why you need to invest, how to do proper financial plan, check if what you are doing is correct and how to pick under valued stocks. Next, Dr Tee will share with you when to buy and sell your stocks. Talk about complete education!
- Speakers Panel
- This is the best part. All the speakers will come back to the stage again and talk about 2015 PLUS they will show you where they are parking their own money for the new year ! This has never been done before so definitely the highlight of the event.
- You get to see me too!
- I will be outside organizing prior the start and will be the hosting throughout the event! I will let you in on a secret….. come early and you may get a surprise.
Why register now?
From the time of this blog the event have already sold 20% in first 2 days! the numbers speaks for themselves. So as my reader I highly encourage you to get a ticket before it is too late. PLUS as my reader, you will get 50% discount if you purchase before 30 Nov. after that the discount code will expire. This very good value for money event will be held:
- Date: 17th Jan 2015
- Time: 12:30pm to 5:30pm
- Venue: NTUC auditorium
- Normal price: $16 per person
- Discount code at check out: use MYFRIEND for 50% off!
So don’t hesitate anymore and grab your discount now. Click here to buy.
See you there!
[…] By roland […]
[…] reader base is growing nicely (thanks for all of your support!) and is excited about the up coming Personal Investment Seminar in January. In my New Year’s resolution, I will put “More regular update to blog” […]
[…] reader base is growing nicely (thanks for all of your support!) and is excited about the up coming Personal Investment Seminar in January. In my New Year’s resolution, I will put “More regular update to blog” as one of my […]