Internet Marketing course by Wealth Mastery- Preview review
Looks like Wealth Mastery is firing all of their advertising engine to get students to attend their Internet Marketing course. Especially in Yahoo Singapore ads. I was curious why as an Internal Marketing “expert” you would need to advertise to get awareness for their course. So I went for their preview to find out.
For the first 1.25 hours..
It was all generic mindset and motivation talk. Patricia Lin, one of the Director of Zion Global Marketing took to the stage and started asking the audience why we want more money and even got us to do a few group exercises with fellow audiences. One of which is to discuss within the group the pros and cons of a online business. It is all very basic stuff, but the exercises did prevent a few of us from falling asleep! So I wont bored you with the content as you should know what you want before going there.
About Patricia Lin and Calvin Woon
In case you are wondering, both of them are a couple. Met in NUS and started trying to earn money online. They found both Zion Global Marketing and Not to be mistaken with the Malaysia’s Wealth Mastery Academy. They say they generated about $450K over 2 years and in some months over $50k a month. Not bad for online business if you ask me. But what they did not share was the profit made from those revenue. This question is important as you will see why below.
The also run other different courses like option trading and NLP. That is on top of their Internet marketing outsource business. So I am not sure if they are spreading themselves too thin.
About their 5 steps Internet Empire Mastery 5 step system (the Meat)
They say their 5 steps system is have been proven effective and can guarantee true for next 5 years! Wah! I thought to myself, this must be something good as we all know that Google will change their search and ranking algorithm every 2-3 years. So if this system can last 5 years, it should be good. Is it?
- Step 1. Identify a topic that has passionate and hungry buyer
- Key is to do an exercise write down one topic you are passionate about and make sure that topic can find a market full of buyers. Example will be Health, wealth and relationship are hot.
- Step 2 Find a product or service to promote.
- There are 2 types of affiliate program to consider. One is Pay per lead. where product owners will pay you 1 to $5 for every lead you help to collect for them.
- The other type is Pay per sales. Like what Amazon is doing. Typically product owners will pay you 5% for physical or 50% for digital product. They highly recommend the later since the margin is higher. Their source of content to sell is from Warrior Plus. Basically a market place where you can select products you want to sell.
- Step 3 Build a database who are interested in your topic.
- This is done by creating and designing a squeeze page. For the uninitiated, it is basically a sales web page to entice people to buy. This is fairly easy to do.
- Step 4 Promote your squeeze page.
- This is the most important part. Traffic is the life blood. No traffic no sales. period.There are 2 ways to get traffic.
- One way is free where through SEO you capture audiences looking for products you are selling. Sources can be from forum, video or social platform. But unfortunately this route take up a lot of time to establish to get a decent traffic. This the way Google search is set up.
- The other way is of course is paid traffic. Basically you pay Google or Facebook to let people see your ad and hopefully they click on it to go to your site. This method is of course faster, but be prepare to invest time and money to fine tune as traffic does not mean profit yet. They still have to click to buy. Meaning, product, pricing, positioning and marketing (basic of doing business) is still very important.
- Step 5 Collect emails and grow your email data base.
- So you can continue to market to these group of people even after they visit your page. Patricia show one example of a guy who make a sale with just 11 emails. This strategy is similar to Jaz Lai’s method which I reviewed here.
How much?
Their main course fee is around low $2k plus with a lot of other bonuses thrown in. Like 2 one hr personal consultation, free monthly gathering, Online tutorial videos, Blueprint videos, Home study course and more.
There you have it, a quick review of their Internet Empire Internet Marketing (Internet Mastery) Preview by Patricia Lin and Calvin Woon. Their 5 steps method is nothing special. In fact I would say those are basic steps to take if you want to have a profitable online business. What I like is that it does not sound too scamy since their method is tried and tested ones. PLUS, they do provide money back guarantee if you want to stop before end of the 3 days course. The down side is you can find many resources out there that teaches you the different aspect of the steps. So if you are new to internet marketing and don’t want to spend too much time doing self exploration, this may suit you. But if you looking to learn a fast and easy method to earn money online, you maybe disappointed.
So what do you think? Would you sign up?
Disclaimer: I am in no way related to Patricia or Calvin or Wealth Mastery. I am not paid to write this review and this is not a recommendation to attend or sign up for their course.
[…] roland Looks like Wealth Mastery is firing all of their advertising engine to get students to attend […]
Yes they are! that is their lead generation model. Which is to spend money on ads and hope to recoup them during the sales process. Not so much based on SEO.
Hi Roland,
I hope to enroll my wife into a recommended internet marketing course which is really ale to allow her to make money. Not butcher knife holding upsellers…. kindly recommend.
Hi Vincent, I did attend some good internet marketing class that focuses on SEO and how to rank your site. If you like I can recommend them to you. But if you are looking for courses that teach you to make quick money online, sorry, I dont think I have come across a good one yet.
Hi again, sorry ,I didn’t quite understand ur earlier reply….. My questions are Asa follows:
1) lI am new to IM and I would like to learn online business from a practical guru or master and would appreciate if you can recommend one to me.
2) Not too sure if I also need a SEO course, kindly advice me on that too.
Deeply appreciated ?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Constance, online business is very broad. You can earn money from placing ads, selling your own products, or selling other’s product. So depending on what you want to do, you will then look for the right course to attend. SEO I would say is fundamental to any online business. if you want to do well, you need to understand and master SEO. hope that helps.
Hi Roland,
I am a new biz in IM and would like to learn online business from a practical guru or master and would appreciate if you can recommend one to me.
Thanks a lot!
Chee Meng
Hi CHee Meng, I have replied you in a separate mail. Do let me know if you got it. Cheers.
I am also new in IM and would like to learn online business from a practical guru or master. Would appreciate if you can recommend/advise. Thank you.
Hi Joanne, I have replied you on a separate email. Let me know if you didn’t get it. Cheers!
Hi Roland, please help to share with me as well. Thanks
Hi Naras, I actually found another IM coach that is also very strong at SEO. But are you looking to learn SEO or a way to make money online from Singapore? Two different approaches.
hi roland, this is a truly helpful site…thanks to you. i wish to seek your input re “…to make money online from Singapore”. hope to hear from you soon. rg
Hi! Thanks for popping by. Please let me know how I can help you. Cheers!
Wow, glad that I read your post as I was wondering what was it all about! I would like to know more about internet marketing as well. Perhaps you got good advice and recommendations as to where and who to learn from?
Hi Cindy, Thanks for stopping by. Do PM me and I can provide my suggestions on where you learn more about internet marketing. Cheers.
Hi Roland,
Thanks for your sharing! Im interested in the course but not sure which is a good one. Would u advise? Thank you v much!
Hi Yen, i have suggested an internal marketing course for your via email. please do check it out. Cheers!
hi cld u pls recommend me the best course to attend to learn about making money online? complete newbie here
..thanks truck loads
Hi! I have PM you my recommendation. have fun!
Hi Roland,
I read thru’ the few articles on the previews you attended. I, too had attended a few of those. Fortunately or unfortunately, I did not sign up any of the courses as I was not that ‘impressed’ by what was presented. I am not well verse in IM at all and find that some presentations are made to sound ‘too easy’, especially one that says we do not need to have our own product to sell. Guess I am not too good in visualization to understand it.
I do hope that you could share some views and recommend some ‘real’ practical stuff with me on how to start off in this IM thingy.
Hi, I have attended my fair share of IM previews. so far I would only recommend one SEO course that I have attended. It was very informative and practical. If you like, just ping me and I can share more. Cheers!
Hi Roland,
Thanks for your review, it really helped. I am new to IM but would like to learn more. Can you please recommend someone / some program where I can get started? Many thanks!
Hi Joyce, sure! I have PM you the contact. Have fun!
Hi Roland,
I would appreciate if you could recommend some good IM masters or pros.
Really hate my current job now…wanting something that I would like to do yet at my own pace.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Marco, sorry to hear about your current job. I have PM you my recommendation. But please bear in mind that the course is a pure SEO course not “money making” course. you will still need to find your own product or solutions to market and sell. Hope that helps!
Hi can you recommend some good IM courses? TQ.
Hi Liz, I have PMed you. Please check if have it in your email. Cheers!
Dear Sir/Maam
I will like to start going on internet marketing business. Do recommend those recommend SEO?
Hi, thanks for popping by. I have PMed you the SEO course. Have fun!
Hi Roland,
Thank you for sharing. I am new to IM but would like to start internet marketing business and learn more. Can you recommend some program / SEO where I can get started? Many thanks!
hi Jason, Sure! I have PM you that information. Good luck on your SEO journey!
Hey Roland, i am wondering if you could share IM course with me? Thanks you very much!
Hi Oscar, So sorry for the late reply. I have PMed you a IM course that I have attended and I think is pretty good.
Hi Ronald,
i have attended the Wealth Mastery but too costly to me.
Would appreciate it, you could recommend a good IM for me to work from home.
Hi Lin, Did you attend the Wealth Mastery Course or preview? In either case, please to share your experience with us here. I have also PM you the information about an alternate SEO course. Hope that will help you to start your online business. Cheers.
Hi Roland,
Thank you for sharing the info. I too am interested in some good SEO course.
Appreciate your advice.
Hi Mandee, Thanks for popping by my site. I have PM you that information. Have fun!
Hi Roland,
Would appreciate if you could recommend a good IM for me to umprove my income.
Hi Edward, I have answered your question via email. Please check. Thanks for popping by!
Hi Roland,
I want to learn SEO courses so badly but still in doubt which to choose after attending some free preview class. May i know what SEO courses and which trainer that you would recommend? Thanks for your helpful info
hi vivi, i have replied your question around SEO courses via email. Please check. Thanks for popping by.
Thank you for the article. Kindly recommend a program for me to start internet marketing business. I am also keen in the ones that focus on SEO. Thank you.
best regards,
Hi Kevin, I have answered your question via email. Please check. Thanks for stopping by!
Hey, re Clickbank – are there any ideas about improving sales on a non-niche webpage? I have a image sharing site and as such it’s extremely to match offers to the visitor. Many thanks
Hello roland,
Could you reccommend me some good courses for IM? Thank you very much.
Hi Hilary, thanks for stopping by. I have responded via email. Please do check. Thanks!
Hi Roland,
Thanks for sharing. Im too interested in IM and would like to learn more about it. Hope you can recommend some program where I can get started? Many thanks!
Hi Justin, thanks for stopping by! I have emailed the answers to your question about learning about internet marketing. Please check. Thanks!
Hi Roland,
Thank for the review.
Actually, I had attended the IM conducted by Jaz Lai years ago and it didn’t worked out.
The monthly meeting and follow up were that were promised never materialised – as it keep shifting its office.
Same as Chee Meng and others, would you recommend a reliable guru and charges not so expensive.
Hi Bert, sorry to hear about your experience with Jaz Lai’s internet marketing course. I will email you a course that I went to. I think it is good. But you cannot expect fast result. You still need to put in effort to rank your page.
Hi Roland, can you recommend me the course, new to online marketing & SEO ..
Hi eve, I have answer your question around online marketing and SEO via email. please check. Cheers!
Hi Roland,
I am also new to internet marketing business and would like to learn from a guru. Could you kindly recommend one to me?
Hi Benedict, I have answered your question about internet marketing via email. please check.
Hi Roland, I m glad I read ur review! lI am also new to biz in IM and my friend is asking me do online biz with him, but we both lack that knowledge…..I would like to learn online business from a practical guru or master and would appreciate if you can recommend one to me.
Not too sure if I also need a SEO course, kindly advice me on that too. Deeply appreciated ?
Thanks a lot!
Dear Roland,
I came across this 2 hours Wealth Mastery seminar, is it worth to attend? will they brain wash us to sign up the course
Hi Henry, I think only you will know if the course is suitable for you. I would encourage you to go and listen and ask questions. If you think you might be tempted don’t bring your credit card. I am sure, if you really think the course is your you, they will wait a few days for you to sign up. Hope this helps!
Hi there ! I agree that SEO is perhaps the most important aspect of any online business.. i’m struggling to find out more on this topic with a good mentor. Can you please share with me the course details you have come across. many thanks
Hi Sam,
For SEO course, I have 2 recommendations. But one has temporary stop conducting. So the only other one I have PMed you. Cheers!